Meet Angie Boyle
Locum Tenens Credentialing Manager
Angie Boyle is a seasoned professional in Credentialing and Risk Management, with a distinguished career spanning over 20 years. She holds certifications in Certified Professional Medical Services Management (CPCSM) and Certified Provider Credentialing Specialist (CPCS), underscoring her expertise and commitment to excellence in her field.
Angie has honed her skills, particularly in locum tenens staffing, ensuring that temporary healthcare providers meet stringent standards of practice. Her extensive experience and dedicated approach have made her a trusted authority in the industry, known for her meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to quality assurance. Beyond her professional achievements, Angie volunteers at Shriners Hospital for Children and The Miracle League helping to bring her love of sports to children with special needs. She also volunteers as a coach with Rock Steady Boxing helping to improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson’s Disease, honoring her late father who passed away from the disease.
Angie has one son who plays college baseball in Arizona and one fur baby Lexi, who loves traveling with her. Outside of work she enjoys traveling, attending sporting events, and spending time with friends and family.